Alan Wake 2: Return 3: Local Girl Walkthrough

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Our guide to Alan Wake 2 is here! Complete Return 3, "Local Girl," with our walkthrough. Your go-to game companion!

Return 3 "Local Girl"

Initiation 3 Return 4

Return 3 Walkthrough Chart

Walkthrough Chart
1 Talk to Alan and obtain the Manuscript
2 Profile clues on the Case Board
3 Take a car and go to Watery
4 Go straight on the road and talk to The Koskela Brothers
5 Talk to the brothers again after profiling
6 Proceed on the road towards Coffee Shop World
7 Go to the gift shop using the map as a guide
8 Obtain the Screwdriver from the Percolator ride
9 Open the safe in the Gift Shop
10 Go to the Trailer Park
11 Investigate the Lighthouse Trailer Park
12 Follow the cult members to the Workshop
13 Solve the Workshop puzzle
14 Enter the basement and examine the Clicker
15 Obtain the Manuscript in the basement
16 Obtain the Manuscript in front of the Parade Float
17 Post clues on the Case Board and continue profiling
18 Gather materials for the float
19 Complete the float and enter the Overlap
20 Proceed straight and enter the Huotari Well
21 Follow the path that appears, going to the well
22 Proceed through the crawlspace
23 Defeat Mulligan and Thornton
24 Return to Bright Falls by car
  • 1Talk to Alan and obtain the Manuscript

    Talk to Alan and obtain the manuscript

    After finishing Initiation 3: Haunting, talk to Alan and obtain the Manuscript. You can receive it by talking to Alan multiple times and profiling him.

  • 2Profile clues on the Case Board

    Advance the investigation board

    Investigation Clue
    Where is the Clicker? ・Wake: The Cult of the Tree has the Clicker.
    ・In The Trailer located in the outskirts of Watery, Saga saw Wake's Clicker for the first time.

    Upon getting the Manuscript, place the clues to Alan Wake's Interview on the Case Board to identify the location of the Clicker. This also allows you to go to a new area called Watery from the car.

    • You can switch between storylines

      By advancing the case board, you can switch between Alan and Saga's storylines using the Janitor's Bucket in the break room. The order of progression is up to you. Play in whichever order you prefer.

  • 3Take a car and go to Watery

    Map Exterior
    Car_Map Car_Exterior

    Once the objective changes to "Go to Watery," get in the car and head towards it. The car is parked in front of the lodge.

  • 4Go straight on the road and talk to The Koskela Brothers

    Go straight on the road and talk to The Koskela Brothers

    Once you arrive at Watery, continue straight on the road in front of you. Talk to the Koskela Brothers once you encounter them. Talking to The Koskela Brothers will allow you to profile them.

  • 5Talk to the Brothers again after profiling

    Talk to the brothers again after profiling

    After profiling the Koskela Brothers and obtaining information about the Trailer key, talk to them again. This will reveal the location of the spare key.

  • 6Proceed on the road towards Coffee Shop World

    Return 3_ The Koskela Brothers

    Once you have obtained information about the spare key from the Brothers, follow the unpaved road behind them and head towards the Coffee Shop World. The road is dark, and enemies may appear. It is advisable to explore the town and gather ammunition and recovery items if supplies are low.

    • You can obtain a map along the way

      Map Exterior
      Return 3_Map Return 3_Map Exterior

      Find a map of Watery on the road going to the Coffee Shop World. There are branching paths here leading to a mountain path. Choose the widest one and locate the map as soon as possible.

  • 7Go to the gift shop using the map as a guide

    Return 3_Gift Shop
    Use the map and go to the Coffee Shop World gift shop. The entrance to the gift shop is locked and requires a screwdriver to open.

  • 8Obtain the Screwdriver from the Percolator ride

    Map Exterior
    Return 3_Percolator Map Return 3_Screwdriver

    Go to the Percolator ride in the Coffee Shop World and obtain the screwdriver. Defeat the enemies inside the Percolator ride's Central Cup and outer perimeter first before exploring.

  • 9Open the safe in the gift shop

    Return 3_Gift Shop Safe

    Once you have the Screwdriver, enter the gift shop and open the safe to obtain the key to the Trailer. The code for the safe is 146.

    • The staff's roles are hints for the puzzle

      Return 3_Puzzle

      The puzzle for the safe can be solved by using the memo near the safe. Combine this information with the board with the staff's roles. Press the numbers corresponding to the locations of Tracker, Watcher, Cleaner in order, and it will come out as "146."

  • 10Go to the Trailer Park

    Return 3_The Trailer
    Go to the Trailer Park once you have the Key. You will meet Odin and Tor in the area, who will claim to be Saga's grandfather and granduncle, respectively. This also triggers a conversation event.

  • 11Investigate the Lighthouse Trailer Park

    Map Exterior
    The Trailer_Map The Trailer_Exterior

    When you're done talking to Odin and Tor, enter the Lighthouse Trailer Park right behind them. Investigate the whereabouts of the Clicker by examining the photo on the desk. This will help move your investigation forward.

  • 12Follow the cult members to the Workshop

    Return 3_Cultists

    When leaving the trailer, the scene cuts to an event where cult members from The Cult of the Tree appear, but no battle occurs. Follow them and head to the Kalevala Knights Workshop.

  • 13Solve the Workshop puzzle

    Return 3_Workshop Key

    Once you enter the Kalevala Knights Workshop, go into the room on the right side and unlock the door. The pattern on the key can be solved by aligning it according to the reference image.

    • The hint for the puzzle can be seen on the back of the mascot

      Kalevala Knights Workshop

      The key to the puzzle in the Kalevala Knights Workshop lies with the mascot. Go back to its location and look at its back. Adjust your position and face the center of the workshop. Align the patterns in the order of the numbers on the safe afterward.

  • 14Enter the basement and examine the Clicker

    Enter the basement and examine the Clicker

    After entering the locked room, go down the ladder and into the basement to examine the Clicker. You will see it being examined by Mulligan and Thornton as well. They will be startled and will take the Clicker with them.

    • Check the board to find the location of hidden supplies

      Check the board to find the location of hidden supplies

      Take your time and profile Mulligan and Thornton first. You will also be able to mark Hidden Supplies on the map at this time. If you want to collect them, make sure to note their locations on the map.

  • 15Obtain the Manuscript in the basement

    Obtain the manuscript in the basement +

    When Mulligan and Thornton take the Clicker from you, a Manuscript appears in the basement. Don't forget to look for it. The manuscript states that the float is key to opening the Overlap.

  • 16Obtain the Manuscript in front of the Parade Float

    Obtain the manuscript in front of the float

    Investigate the float to obtain the Manuscript in front of it. This manuscript states basically the same message as the one found in the basement: that completing and operating the float is the key to opening the Overlap. It is recommended to investigate areas around it and obtain clues.

  • 17Post clues on the Case Board and continue profiling

    Advance the profiling and investigation board

    Investigation Clue
    Character needs a mask...? ・It seems that the person on the float is missing a mask.
    ・The location of the "Deer Skull Mask" has been erased from the list.
    Where is the mask? ・Mulligan and Thornton: They killed someone and disposed of the body at Huotari Well.
    ・Ilmo: Mulligan and Thornton were in charge of Moose's skull.

    To make the Moose Mask appear, gather clues and profiles for the Clue Board and finish profiling Ilmo and the Deputy Sheriff. This will reveal the Mask at Huotari Well.

  • 18Gather materials for the float

    Return 3_Float Material Map
    Go hunt down the Float materials in their respective locations once you have marked them down. Note that the Mask will not appear unless you properly profile it and mark it on the Clue Board. Profile the Deputy Sheriff first before expecting to find the Mask.

    • Operate the Coffee Shop World equipment's power supply to obtain the Circuit Board

      Return 3_Circuit Board

      The Circuit Board is accessible through a gap in the circus ride it is powering. Operate the ride and stop it at the exact moment that the gap is lined up with the path to the Circuit Board.

      After operating the ride, move under it in a circle and stop in front of the Circuit Board. It should be added to your key items.

    • Go to the designated locations to obtain the other materials

      Mask Puukko (Knife) Cassette
      Mask Knife Cassette

      Materials for the float can be found simply by following the path to the designated locations. To move on without any hitches, however, you should conduct profiling and finish filling in the Case Board with clues.

  • 19Complete the float and enter the Overlap

    Return 3_Boundary Area

    Finish the float with all the gathered materials, then enter the Overlap. The map will malfunction in this area. Memorize the surrounding terrain to proceed without any hiccups.

  • 20Proceed straight and enter the Huotari Well

    Loop 1 Loop 2
    Return 3_Well Return 3_Well2

    Go straight for Huotari Well and enter it after arriving in the Overlap. You will be caught in a loop which will return you to the entrance. Move to that area again and examine the well. You will find it filled water.

  • 21Follow the path that appears, going to the well

    Return 3_Back of the Well

    The well will fill with red water (you do know what that is). However, a path is also created at the back. Follow that path to enter a loop. Be aware that the water turning red means enemies may attack as well. It would be wise to listen closely for enemies that may be close by.

  • 22Proceed through the crawlspace by bending down

    Proceed through the crouching hole

    A crawlspace or rock tunnel will appear along with Huotari Well's ladder. Crawl through and move along the path. The game will autosave at this point, meaning you're in for a boss battle.

    When you see the well's ladder, a crouching hole will appear on the left side. Pass through it and proceed straight along the path. After moving through the hole and proceeding straight, the game will autosave. Prepare for a boss battle when you descend the steps.

  • 23Defeat Mulligan and Thornton

    Return 3_Mulligan and Thornton
    Battle Mulligan and Thornton using the flashlight and erasing the darkness. They will keep on being revived unless the darkness is fully destroyed.

    • Thornton and Mulligan will appear higher or level with you

      They appear one each on the high ground and the ground.

      Mulligan and Thornton will each pick the higher or level ground. Whichever of them is on the ground will be more difficult to avoid. You must focus on eradicating the darkness to totally defeat them. This also buys you some time to strategize for each enemy.

  • 24Return to Bright Falls by car

    Return 3_戻る

    Return to Bright Falls by car after defeating Mulligan and Thornton. Don't forget to get the Clicker as well. Note that there are areas where the water has receded. You can explore these areas before going to Bright Falls.

Initiation 3 Return 4

Return 3 Lock Codes

Gift Shop

Gift Shop

The Lock Code of the Coffee Shop World Gift Shop is found in the note near the safe, combined with the roles of the staff posted on the wall. Press the numbers corresponding to the locations in the order of Tracker, Watcher, Cleaner to get 146.

Kalevala Knights Workshop

Kalevala Knights Workshop

The Lock Code of the Kalevala Knights Workshop is connected to the location of the Coffee Shop World mascot. Adjust your position and face the center of the Workshop. There are patterns drawn in the order of the safe's numbers. Align the patterns from top to bottom.

Return 3 Collectibles

Nursery Rhyme Puzzle

Map Appearance
North of Downtown_Map North of Downtown_Appearance
Radio Tower_Map Radio Tower_Appearance
Lighthouse Trailer Park_Map Lighthouse Trailer Park_Appearance
Wharf_Map Wharf_Appearance
Lighthouse_Map Lighthouse_Appearance
Latte Lagoon_Map Latte Lagoon_Appearance
Ranger Cabin_Map Ranger Cabin_Appearance
Downtown Watery_Map Downtown Watery_Appearance

Hidden Supplies

Map Appearance
Northeast Ridge_map Northeast Ridge_appearance
Northeast Break Room_map Northeast Break Room_appearance
Slow Roaster_map Slow Roaster_appearance
Huotari Well_map Huotari Well_appearance
Trailer Park_map Trailer Park_appearance
Northwest of the Lighthouse_map Northwest of the Lighthouse_appearance
Southeast of Main Street_map Southeast of Main Street_appearance

Lunch Box

Map Appearance
Watery 1_Appearance Watery 1_Map
Watery 2_Appearance Watery 2_Map
Watery 3_Appearance Watery 3_Map
Watery 4_Appearance Watery 4_Map
Watery 5_Appearance Watery 5_Map
Watery 6_Appearance Watery 6_Map


Manuscript Map
Scratch On The Hunt Scratch On The Hunt_map
The Koskela’s Parade Float The Koskela’s Parade Float_map
Deputies Make a Grave Mistake Deputies Make a Grave Mistake_map
Deputies Corrupted Deputies Corrupted_map
Deputies in the Morgue Deputies in the Morgue_map
Saga In The Watery Woods Saga In The Watery Woods_map
Saga Fights Taken at the Workshop Saga Fights Taken at the Workshop_map
Coffee World Attacked Coffee World Attacked_map


Map Appearance
Coffee World_Appearance Coffee World_Map
Parade Floats_Appearance Parade Floats_Map

Break Room

Map Appearance
Watery 1_Appearance Watery 1_Map
Watery 2_Appearance Watery 2_Map
Watery 3_Appearance Watery 3_Map
Watery 4_Appearance Watery 4_Map
Watery 5_Appearance Watery 5_Map
Watery 6_Appearance Watery 6_Map

 Alan Wake 2_Story

1. Invitation 2. Heart
3. Local Girl 4. Despair
5. Old Gods 6. Scratch
7. Summon 8. Deafest
9. Come Home
1. Midnight 2. Casey
3. Curse 4. We Sing
5. Room 665 6. Return
7. Mask 8. Zane's Film

Story Walkthrough Chart List