Last Strike Walkthrough

GameVillage Team
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This is a Last Strike walkthrough for Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora. This guide includes information on how to complete the quest.

Last Strike Walkthrough Chart

Table of Contents

Last Strike Walkthrough Chart

Walkthrough Chart
1 Go to the Resistance Hideout
2 Talk to Ri’nela at the holotable in the Command Center
3 Locate the cave entrance beneath Mercer’s base
└ The cave is located north of Drill Base Omega
└ Underneath a giant fallen tree
4 Find a way through the caves into Drill Base Omega
5 Find a way to get the clans inside Mercer’s base
6 Defeat the RDA ambush
7 Find the drill charge
8 Let the Kame’tire into the base
└ Meet the Kame'tire at the Gatehouse
9 Let the Kame’tire into the base
└ Open the main gate and let the Kame'tire inside
10 Reach the Armor Bay
└ The control device for the Defense Turret is in the Control Room of the Armor Bay
11 Let the Zeswa into the base
└ Destroy the computer in the Turret Control Room
└ (Optional) Destroy the AMP Suit
└ Lower the bridge to allow the Zeswa to enter the base
12 Disable the anti-air guns so the Aranahe can attack
└ Go to the antenna controlling the anti-air guns
└ Pull the lever on the antenna to allow Teylan to access
└ Wait for Teylan to access the antenna
└ Destroy the antenna fuse box
└ Stop the computer terminal controlling the anti-air guns
13 Race Mercer to the drill charge
└ Reach the top of the refinery
└ Chase the drill charge
14 Get to the underground firing chamber
15 Enter the firing chamber and prevent the launch
16 Prevent the fuel refill of the drill charge
└ Destroyed the fuel port
17 Defeat Mercer’s personal guard
18 Escape the firing chamber
19 Raise the drill charge before it detonates
20 Get to Teylan before the drill charge detonates
  • 6Maneuver to avoid damage using cover

    Maneuver to avoid damage using cover

    When engaging in combat with enemies, strategically utilize buses and tanks as cover to minimize incoming damage. Given the limited healing options within enemy facilities, prioritize avoiding damage to maintain high HP. Implement caution and employ cover effectively for a successful infiltration.

  • 7Destroy devices near doors to open them

    Destroy devices near doors to open them

    When a door is closed inside a facility, destroying the device near it will open the door. Check if there are any destroyable devices nearby if the doors are closed.

  • 10Confirm the destination using Na'vi senses

    Confirm the destination with Na'vi senses

    When uncertain about the location of your destination, rely on Na'vi senses to confirm the way. As enemies may appear along the route, maintaining awareness of their positions is advantageous. Utilize Na'vi senses to stay informed and navigate effectively in unfamiliar territories.

  • 11Target the gas bomb from the second floor and cause an explosion

    Target the gas bomb from the second floor and cause an explosion

    To eliminate enemies effectively, target the gas bomb on the second floor and initiate an explosion. Given the abundance of robots on the first floor, it's strategic to first clear enemies on the second floor before descending. This approach optimizes your combat advantage and ensures a smoother confrontation with adversaries.

  • 12Destroy the fuse box on the side of the pillar

    Destroy the fuse box on the side of the pillar

    To make progress, target the fuse box on the pillar and knock it down. However, it's crucial to deal with enemies outside the facility first. Defeat them before tackling the fuse box. This ensures a safer and more effective approach to your mission.

    • The flamethrower can be destroyed by inflicting damage

      The flamethrower can be destroyed by inflicting damage

      Destroy the flamethrower by causing damage to it. It's advisable to take care of the flamethrower beforehand before moving deeper into the facility. This ensures a smoother journey without the threat of the flamethrower hindering your progress.

  • 13Destroy the fuel boat in the drill charge

    Destroy the fuel boat in the drill charge

    To prevent issues, focus on damaging and destroying the fuel boat within the drill charge. Act swiftly to destroy the fuel boat before it accumulates excessive fuel. This proactive approach ensures a safer and more successful outcome in handling the drill charge.

  • 18Turning the handle stops the flamethrower

    Turning the handle stops the flamethrower

    The flamethrower blocking the passage stops when you turn the handle. Due to the limited time available, swiftly turn the handle and proceed forward. Move quickly to make the most of the time window and continue your journey safely.

  • 19Use the SID to hack

    Use the SDI to hack

    Employ the SID to hack. When the hacking is successful, the bomb will surface. Utilize the SID effectively to ensure a successful hack and bring the bomb to the forefront.

A Hidden Weakness -
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List of Main Stories
Main Quest Walkthrough
Overview of Characters and Story
Overview of Characters and Story

Quest Walkthrough for the Story

 Welcome to the Resistance
Welcome to the Resistance
 Songs of the Ancestor
Songs of the Ancestor
 The Aranahe Clan
The Aranahe Clan
 Eywa’s Blessing
Eywa’s Blessing
 The Missing Hunter
The Missing Hunter
 The Eye of Eywa
The Eye of Eywa
Take Flight
 Those Who Guide Us
Those Who Guide Us
Pushing Back
 The Wandering Clan
The Wandering Clan
 Hunters Wanted
Hunters Hunted
 The Lodge
The Lodge
 The Weeping Gorge
The Weeping Gorge
 Call to Battle
Call to Battle
 Combined Forces
Combined Forces
 A Victory Celebration
A Victory Celebration
 Escape Plan
Escape Plan
 Loss and Ruin
Loss and Ruin
 The Hidden Clan
The Hidden Clan
 Shadows of the Past
Shadows of the Past
 A New Plan
A New Plan
 Into the Fog
Into the Fog
 A Distant Storm
A Distant Storm
 Rising Pressure
Rising Pressure
 A Hidden Weakness
A Hidden Weakness
 Last Strike
Last Strike