Where to Find the Aeolian Wind Flutes

GameVillage Team
Last updated on

This is a gudie to all Aeolian Wind Flute locations. It includes where to find them, how to activate each one, and what rewards come with completing them.

Aeolian Wind Flutes

Table of Contents

Location of the Aeolian Wind Flutes

Checking the Aeolian Wind Flutes Status

Hover the cursor over the green dot on the map


Hover the cursor over the green dot on the map to confirm the unlocked status, indicated by the words "Aeolian Wind Flute." Green dots signify unlocked content, while blue dots represent locked content. Remember this method as a convenient way to check the status of various locations.

Tuning Aeolian Wind Flute

Rotate the stick to the right while touching it


Tune the Aeolian Wind Flute by rotating the stick to the right while touching it. If you're not using a controller, touching the Aeolian Wind Flute will display on-screen controls—simply follow them to activate the flute.

Reward for finding the Aeolian Wind Flutes

Getting all of them will reward you with a trophy

Collecting all the Aeolian Wind Flutes will reward you with the In Harmony trophy. As one of the completion elements, aim to unlock it along with other collectibles.

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