Ghost of Tsushima: Spoiler: The True Identity of Tomoe

GameVillage Team
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This article provides information about Tomoe in Ghost of Tsushima. It provides Tomoe's profile, her true identity, and her appearance in Ishikawa's Tale. Please refer to this when playing Ghost of Tsushima!

Ghost of Tsushima_Tomoe

©Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC.

Content with Spoilers
The following content contains major spoilers for the side quest, Ishikawa's Tale. Please read at your own discretion.

Basic Information about Tomoe

Ghost of Tsushima_Tomoe

Former Disciple and Traitor to Ishikawa-sensei

Tomoe is a former disciple of Ishikawa who appears in the side quest, Ishikawa's Tale. She betrayed her hometown and Ishikawa and taught archery to the Mongols. As Ishikawa and the protagonist chase after Tomoe, her true nature and the reasons for her betrayal are revealed.

Spoilers: The True Identity of Tomoe

A Woman Who Used the Mongols for Her Dreams

Tomoe is depicted as a cunning person who fought the Mongols and Jin, and during that time, she sailed to the mainland by ship. She was always one step ahead of Jin, Ishikawa, and the Mongols, and she used them to her advantage.

Leaving the Bow Behind and Embarking on a Journey to the Mainland

When Tomoe heads towards the mainland, she leaves her bow behind. It can be speculated that this act represents her gratitude and atonement towards Ishikawa-sensei, who taught her archery, as well as her desire to open an inn in Kyoto, where there is no war. It is a heartfelt sentiment that Tomoe shows for the first and last time.

List of side quests featuring Tomoe

Side Quest Tomoe's Actions
The Way Of The Bow Burns Nagao's flag at Ishikawa's dojo at the end of the quest.
The Terror Of Otsuna Appears wearing a fox mask. After a conversation with Jin on top of a cliff, jumps off.
Friends In Passing Contacts Jin under the name "Matsu." Continues the conversation with Jin while hiding her name, but Jin realizes it's Tomoe.
Laid To Rest Fights alongside Jin and Ishikawa against the Mongols. However, she was using them to get to the mainland. Leaves Tsushima on a ship, leaving behind a letter and a bow.

Sensei Ishikawa Tale List: Locations and Rewards

Ghost of Tsushima_Jin Sakai (Protagonist) Icon
Jin Sakai (Protagonist)
Ghost of Tsushima_Shimura Icon
Ghost of Tsushima_Khotun Khan Icon
Khotun Khan
Ghost of Tsushima_Yuna Icon
Ghost of Tsushima_Taka Icon
Ghost of Tsushima_Masako Icon
Ghost of Tsushima_Tomoe Icon
Ghost of Tsushima_Ryuzo Icon

Character List