UNDERTALE: How to Defeat or Spare Temmie

GameVillage Team
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Here's a guide on dealing with Temmie in Undertale. Tips for defeating, avoiding, and understanding attack patterns. Your reference for mastering Undertale!


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Basic Information about Temmie


Location Waterfall
ATK Zuttenten
DEF Zuttenten
Route All routes

Monsters in Waterfall

Temmie is a monster that appears in Waterfall. Regardless of the route, you will encounter it in battle. If you are aiming for the Pacifist route, you need to avoid it. If you are aiming for the Genocide route, you must defeat it.

Tips for Battling Temmie

Move from the Outside to the Inside

Temmie Attack

Temmie attacks by chasing after the player's SOUL. If you stay in the center, you will have no escape. Therefore, move from the outside to the inside as if in a inward spiral motion to avoid getting hit by Temmie's attack.

How to Spare Temmie

Choose the Talk action
Choose the Flex action to make Aaron appear and Temmie will flee
Have Temmie Flakes in your possession and choose the action Feed Temmie Flakes
Equip the Temmie Armor

Choose the Talk action

Talk to Temmie

To spare Temmie, choose the Talk action. After Talking, you will be able to spare Temmie.

Choose the Flex action

Pose with Temmie

Choose the Flex action with Temmie, and Aaron replace Temmie. If you Flex again on Aaron, the battle will end.

Feed Temmie Flakes

Feed Temmie Flakes

If you have Temmie Flakes, use Feed Temmie Flakes to spare Temmie. You can choose this action even without having Temmie Flakes, but you won't be able to spare Temmie.

Temmie Flakes are Bought in Temmie Village

Temmie Flakes are items that can be purchased in Temmie Village. They are inexpensive, costing 1-2G, so it's recommended to buy one and keep it in your inventory.

Equipping the Temmie Armor

Equipped with Temmie Armor

Before battling Temmie, make sure to equip the Temmie Armor so that you can avoid encountering Temmie from the beginning. If you have obtained it before leaving Waterfall, don't forget to equip it.

Obtaining and uses of Temmie Armor

Temmie's Attack Patterns and How to Dodge Them

Attack Patterns How to Avoid
Temmie Attack ① Move from the outside to the inside
Temmie Attack ② Move between the legs, shifting left and right

Monster List