Overwatch 2: How to Check the Scoreboard

GameVillage Team
Last updated on

Scoreboard guide in Overwatch 2. This guide provides information on how to check the scoreboard and which values are important.

Scoreboard Thumbnail

© 2022 Blizzard Entertainment, Inc.

How to Check the Scoreboard

Press the Corresponding Button to Check


Platform Corresponding Button / Key
PC Tab Key
PS4 / PS5 Touch Panel
Switch Minus Button
Xbox Series View Button

The scoreboard can be checked by pressing the corresponding button for your platform from the start of the match until you return to the home screen. Note that the scoreboard record will be cleared when returning to the home screen, but you can still check your individual results from the match history.

Scoreboard Notations

Scoreboard Notations

Notation Meaning
Number Percentage until Ultimate is available
E Eliminations
A Assists
D Deaths
DMG Damage dealt to heroes
H Health restored
MIT Damage mitigated

Important Information Obtained from the Scoreboard

Check the Ally ULT Charge Status


From the scoreboard, you can check the ULT charge status of your allies. Understanding the ULT charge status of the game is crucial. It becomes easier to coordinate ULTs that work well together, such as "Genji" and "Ana," and if two ULTs are ready, you can also survive the next team fight. The strategy can change significantly based on ULT information.

Quickly Confirm Changes in Enemy Composition


By looking at the scoreboard, you can immediately confirm when the enemy composition changes. In OW2, it is important to counter-pick, and when the enemy picks a meta character against your hero, you should be cautious or consider returning to the respawn area and changing your character. Therefore, always keep an eye on changes in the enemy composition.

Does the numerical value on the scoreboard have any meaning?

You can infer the enemy's ULT status from the numbers

From the damage and healing numbers on the scoreboard, you can roughly infer the enemy's ULT charge status. If the damage number is high, the ULT charge will increase faster, increasing the chances of being cautious and dealing with ULTs.

The numbers are not an absolute measure of performance

The numbers on the scoreboard only show the amount of damage, healing, kills, etc., and are not an absolute measure of performance. Even if the damage number is low, it doesn't show the damage characters who focus and kill enemies, or the number of times they save teammates from enemy attacks. So, let's consider them as just one reference point.

It is bad manners to use abusive language based on the results

Using abusive language based on the numbers on the scoreboard is considered bad manners. Abusing someone with low numbers is a violation of manners that not only disrupts the enjoyment of the game but also causes inconvenience to other teammates. So, let's make sure not to engage in such behavior.

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How to Check the Scoreboard