Overwatch 2: Overwatch 2 Beginner's Guide

GameVillage Team
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A beginner's guide to Overwatch 2! This guide covers game modes, characters, and things to remember like roles and compositions.


© 2022 Blizzard Entertainment, Inc.

How to Start the Game

Steps to Play the Game
1 Select "Play" from the main menu
2 Choose Unranked and select either "roll queue" or "open queue" in Quick Play
3 Select a character after matchmaking
4 Start the game

Start with Quick Play

 Quick Play

When diving into Overwatch 2's PvP mode, kick off your experience by hopping into Quick Play. This casual mode ensures you're matched with players of similar skill levels, providing a laid-back environment for casual gameplay.

Defined Roles in Roll Queue

In Overwatch 2, each hero falls into one of three roles: Tank, Damage, or Support. Roll queue enforces role-specific restrictions, allowing you to play heroes only within the selected role, so choose wisely.

No Role Restrictions in Open Queue

In contrast to roll queue, open queue lifts role restrictions. This mode is ideal for those moments when you want the freedom to experiment with various heroes without any limitations.

Game modes are randomly selected

Game Mode Mode Description
Compete to steal robots and advance to the enemy base for victory.
A mode where two teams compete for a single objective. The team who wins two rounds first wins.
A mode where you carry or prevent the payload. The attacking team escorts the payload to the destination, while the defending team tries to prevent it from reaching the destination.
A mode where you carry or prevent the payload. The attacking team first secures the payload and then escorts it to the destination. The defending team tries to stop them.

There are four game modes available in Quick Play: Hybrid, Escort, Control, and Push. However, since it is determined randomly, players cannot choose a specific mode.

Perfect Your Controls in the Practice Range


For mastering hero controls and refining your gameplay, head to the Training section on the play screen and opt for the Practice Range. This dedicated space allows you to freely experiment with characters, including those yet to be unlocked. Take advantage of the available bots for targeted shooting practice and enhance your control proficiency before diving into the battlefield.

Understanding the characteristics and composition of characters

Tank Heroes: Safeguarding the Front Line

Reinhardt Barrier

Passive skills for tanks
30% knockback resistance
30% reduction in Ultimate Charge from damage taken and healing

Tank roles boast higher HP than other roles and excel at shielding allies on the front line. As the sole role in the roll queue, their defeat can embolden enemy advances, making their presence pivotal.

Damage Heroes: Vanquishing Foes

Cassidy Kill Scene

Passive skills for damage heroes
35% increase in Reload speed for 2.5 seconds upon killing an enemy
*Effect duration refreshes, does not stack

Damage roles feature heroes with potent main weapons, serving the crucial role of eliminating key adversaries in Overwatch 2. Given each character's optimal attack range, strategic hero picks based on the enemy composition can tilt the odds in your favor.

Support Characters: Nurturing Allies


Passive skills for supports
If you go without taking damage for 1.5 seconds, you will automatically regenerate 15 health per second.

Support role characters primarily focus on healing their allies' HP. While some can bestow buffs to allies or impose debuffs on enemies, their strength lies in support rather than dealing damage. Relying on teammates for protection is essential for their survival.

Allocating Roles in a 5-Player Team

Number of Players for Each Role
Role Tank Icon Damage Icon Healer Icon
Number 1 2 2

In Overwatch 2, matches unfold in a 5v5 format, with role distribution comprising 1 tank, 2 damage, and 2 support heroes. As each role possesses strengths and weaknesses against specific heroes, mastering at least two heroes per role is crucial for effective gameplay.

Reviewing Game Settings

Adjusting Aim Sensitivity

In Overwatch 2, precise aiming is crucial for engaging enemies and supporting allies effectively. If you find your aim off, consider adjusting your sensitivity settings to optimize your aiming experience.

Checking Graphics Settings

For optimal performance in Overwatch 2, it's advisable to set the graphics quality to a lower setting. While this may reduce visual fidelity, it significantly enhances the frame rate, providing smoother character movements.

Checking Chat Settings

Overwatch 2 offers three types of chat: Text Chat, Voice Chat, and Radio Chat. While these are useful for coordination, some players may use offensive language. If you prefer not to encounter such language, consider adjusting or turning off chat settings.

Commonly Used Words in Chat
gg Abbreviation for "Good Game," used as a greeting after a match
thx Abbreviation for "thanks," used to express gratitude
pick Used when requesting someone to choose a specific character, like "◯◯ pick"
one Used when wanting to focus fire on a specific character, like "◯◯ one"

Checking Keybind Settings

Customizing keybinds (button layout) in Overwatch 2 allows you to tailor controls to your preferences, enabling swift and comfortable movements. Take a moment to review and adjust keybinds for an optimal gaming experience.

Changing Player Information

You can change your name

In Overwatch 2, you can change your player name. However, you need to do it from the Battle.net browser, not in the game.

Reporting Players

From the options menu, you can report players through the Social menu. If you see someone on your team using offensive language, clearly cheating, or engaging in non-participatory behavior, report them.