Hogwarts Legacy: Breeding Pens and Vivariums

GameVillage Team
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A detailed article about "Animal Pen and Breeding" in "Hogwarts Legacy." Included is how to expand, use, and obtain breeding pens.

Hogwarts Legacy_Animal Pen and Breeding


Vivarium How to Unlock
Forest Vivarium Main Quest: The Elf, The Nab-Sack, and the Loom
Coastal Vivarium Main Quest: The High Keep
Side Quest: The Plight of the House-Elf
Swamp Vivarium Main Quest: The Trial of Lookwood
Side Quest: Foal of the Dead
Mountain Vivarium Main Quest: Niamh Fitzgerald's Trial
Side Quest: Phoenix Rising

Expansion by Clearing Side Quests

Expansion by Clearing Side Quests

You can expand Breeding Pens by clearing related side quests. The first animal pen expansion quest is "The Plight of the House-Elf." It becomes available after progressing through the main quest "The High Keep" and the Post-Game quests. Advance the main quest storyline to accept the side quests.

Available for Acceptance Through Main Quest Progression

Side quests related to animal pens can be accepted based on progression for the main quests and prerequisites for the animal pen quests. To accept the final quest, "Phoenix Rising," you need to progress the main quest storyline until "Niamh Fitzgerald's Trial." If you want to expand up to the largest capacity, continue advancing the main quest storyline.

Maximum Number of Creatures is 16 Types and 48 Individuals

Number of Clears Maximum Number of Creatures
Initial 4 Types 12 Individuals
1 Clear 8 Types 24 Individuals
2 Clears 12 Types 36 Individuals
3 Clears 16 Types 48 Individuals

The maximum number of creatures that can be kept in the breeding field is 16 types and 48 individuals. Initially, the maximum number of creatures is 4 types and 12 individuals, and it expands by 4 types and 12 individuals for each side quest cleared. By expanding to the largest size, it becomes possible to keep all types of magical creatures at once.

How to Breed

Steps for Animal Breeding
1 Place a Breeding Pen using the Conjuring Spell
2 Set a male and female of the desired animal
3 Check after the breeding time has elapsed

Place a Breeding Pen using the Conjuring Spell

Place a Breeding Pen

Use the Conjuring Spell in the animal farm to place a breeding pen. You can obtain The breeding pen by completing the quest "Foal of the Dead."

Set a Male and Female of the Desired Animal

Set a male and female of the desired animal

Once you've placed the breeding pen, approach the sign. Press and hold the square button to interact and set a male and female of the desired animal for breeding. It is essential to have a male and female of the desired animal prepared.

Check After the Breeding Time Has Elapsed

Check after the breeding time has elapsed

After setting the desired animals, wait for the breeding time to elapse. Once they are finished, check the breeding pen again to see if a child has been born.

Breeding Unlock Conditions

Clear the Quest "Foal of the Dead"

Clear the quest "Foal of the Dead"

You need to clear the quest "Foal of the Dead" to unlock the breeding pen. You also need to clear "The Plight of the House-Elf" and the main quest "Charles Rookwood's Trial" to unlock "Foal of the Dead."

Conditions and Walkthrough Guide for Foal of the Dead

Care Guide
Locations for Capturing Magical Creatures and How to Identify Shiny VariantsCapturing Magical Beasts Locations of Dragons and If You Can Ride ThemLocating Dragons
Magical Beasts
Giant Purple Toad
Giant Purple Toad
 Niffler Dens
Niffler Dens
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Locations for Capturing Magical Creatures and How to Identify Shiny Variants